Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday night and I do not know what to do

With the INKLING ONLINE going out last night my regular Tuesday routine is a little shot. Hmm what to do. I think that once the child who is looking over my shoulder is off to bed I will actually scrapbook!!! Good night Teryn! (Teryn says Hi!) By scrapbook I mean organize my photo's as I will be at the store on Saturday to take part in a fund raiser for The Creative Dance Association - the dance company my girls dance with. So the plan is to get a few pages done. YIPEE! Hey if any of you wish to come and play with us you are welcome ($20.00 per person includes light lunch - proceeds go to T.C.D.A. for costumes, scholarships and travel expenses)

The plan it to start a mini album (8 x 8) for my mom highlighting her new famliy history. Wish me luck.

Before I do that I want you pass on a link to another blog that I stumbled upon that has so much great scrapbooking information I could not help but share. http://scrapbooking.families.com/blog/ The site also has a ton on practical family focused information - it is certainly worth a look.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Creative Change . . .

How has your creative process change over the years? I have always (and I mean always) had more than one creative project on the go - it is something I saw modeled from my Grandma and my mom, I guess you could say it came to me naturally. You name it I have probably tired it, everything from Cross stitch to paper tole, from tole painting to Macrame. I have always thrived on creative process. I used to love to baby sit because it was a good excuse to colour with out looking like a fool in 11 th grade!
One of the first craft classes I ever took , it was the early 70's, I was about 10. It was in Lougheed Mall in a small store on the top floor by The Bay. It was a big deal, mom would drop me and my friend off and leave us - then we would meet up for lunch. The classes must have been 6 or so sessions - we made bird cages out of Styrofoam balls, pipe cleaners and feathers - complete with a bird perched happily inside, yarn octopus' that sat on our beds and other things I am sure - the thing that sticks out in my mind is how much I loved being there - surrounded by all the "stuff" working with my hands and enjoying the end results as they graced my bedroom. Now some 30 (YIKES!) years later very little has changed - I still love to create, and I still love to be surrounded by creative "stuff" it fuels my creativity.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

This is why I love what I do. . .

I rarely get to spend extended amounts of time in the store. I am most often in my office ordering, writing, researching, etc. However today was an exception! As I was in the store 2 regular customers who I had not seen for quite sometime came in - it was like old home week. We chatted got caught up with what the kids were doing, how new schools were working out, jobs, holidays, health issues... and it struck me - this is why I love what I do. I am in a retail environment where I actually connect with people - connections are made, friendships are built - I truly have a cool job. Scrapbooking (and co-owning a store) has led me to cross paths with some amazing people, people who other wise it would be unlikely that we would meet. How cool is that!